Your Guided Path to 1 Million Words
Rediscover the joy of reading, one story at a time. Track your progress along the way.
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What to Look Forward to
Hand-curated Stories
Every story is hand-selected by our editors from history's best writers. Featuring Arthur Conan Doyle, Kafka, Twain, and many more.
Automatic Goal-Tracking & Motivation
Keep track of your progress, your streaks, and more with a cloud dashboard.
Compete Against the World
Compete against readers around the world. Folllow the action on our leaderboard. Who will hit their goal the fastest?
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a discount for competing with friends?
Yes! Current members can invite friends & family to join for 20% off.
Why should I join?
Improve your reading and writing abilities. Grow your creativity. Enjoy great fiction. The benefits are widespread, so pick your favorite reason.
Can I read 1 million faster?
Yes. Select the "send me another" button to recieve another story.
Can I read 1 million on my schedule?
Yes. You can receive stories daily, once a week, or anything in between. Existing subscribers: Customize your schedule here.
Only 1,000,000 words to go
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Only 1,000,000 words to go
You can't hit your goal if you never start.
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